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IGT’s view on the future of digital workforce in the post pandemic world

Let us understand who are the ‘digital workforce’ that are slowly becoming the pillars of enterprises across the world. As companies are evolving and moving beyond the confines of four walls, so are their workforce and resources. A digital workforce is a unified term used to explain the human and their digital counterparts brought to life through automation. These digital beings can range from chatbots, AI powered systems, to other automated and robotic solutions. The best work process suited to the new-age workforce is the Agile workflow process. What many have already adopted and considered to be the normal proceeding in the way digital enterprises should approach work. It can be said that Agile workflow and digital workforce go hand in hand, as Agile encourages increased collaboration and coordination amongst team members, and the very core of a digital workforce is based on a synergy of human and digital resources. As the world is turning towards, “digital is the future” as many have put it, the apparent skill gap in the workforce should be addressed as well. Adapting to a digital workforce helps in aligning those gaps and aids in bridging the gap that resources might face while adopting the new normal that is a digital workplace. Upskilling towards a competent digital workforce is the need of the hour as the danger of being left behind would always loom over. The time is now. The same applies when the topic of traditional industries comes into the picture, the need for digitalization cannot be ignored, especially observed in the case of the pandemic, which saw many traditional businesses being majorly hit. A digital transformation was the only answer to keep moving forward. Many traditional industries will surely adopt digital integration in order to stay relevant in today’s world, and this shift will happen sooner than later. This is where digital training will come into increasing demand, a perfect marriage of traditional and digital skills can ensure the business not only stays afloat, but soars. Of course, upskilling and cross-skilling at a rapid pace will certainly lead to the emergence of hybrid job roles in human resources. Not only will there be a change in traditional industries but a change in traditional workflows as well. Again, best observed and originated in light of the pandemic, as health & safety concerns are at an all-time high, the flexible job role has seen a huge rise in popularity as it is proven to be effective in both productivity and safety. However, this will only be possible by gaining strong insights into employee mindset, building healthy company culture and investing in flexible infrastructure.

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