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IGT's Telecom Billing Functions

IGT has ensured that their outreach into the area of managed services in Telecom Billing space has been a comprehensive and well-researched approach by possessing a wide range of functions in this niche area, thus offering the best of services and uplifting satisfaction to our customers.   These services are classified into software systems that involve specific stages where the procedure takes place, in a step-by-step manner, aiming at guaranteeing successful coordination, throughout the billing infrastructure. The main functions of IGT’s telecom billing services include:

  • Business Support Systems (BSS)

  1. The process of placing an order, keeping track of inventory and maintaining provision comes under the ‘Activation Flow’ stage where the BSS initiates revenue.

  2. The next stage is known as the Assurance Flow where the main aim is to supervise the smooth integration of the activation process, resulting in successful revenue and customer retention.

  3. Followed by the ‘Billing Flow’, where the system is geared towards proper practices of collecting revenue.

  4. The next BSS upholds one of the core areas of every business process, which its profitability. The main pillars that make up this support system are portfolio management and efficacy.

  5. Operationalizing the business assets are also a very important role of the BSS as the system will help you decide the best way forward.

The industry has increasingly shifted its focus to incorporating a BSS into their daily workflow due its numerous advantages that simplify tedious processes and aid in a wide array of departments, these factors include:

  • Fast-paced deployment for a fast-paced industry

  • Aid in increasing customer satisfaction

  • Designed keeping business agility in mind

  • Streamlines convoluted billing systems

  • Advent of cloud has taken billing systems to the next level

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