Functional Testing
With a host of applications and software available in the market today, the competition is unlike anything we have ever seen before. Standing out and creating a reputation for yourself has become one of the most challenging aspects for any company, since one small mistake can result in great damage in terms of maintaining trust between customer and company. Therefore, increased focus and attention is being given to the quality engineering phase of the product development cycle.
One such part of the quality engineering service is a functional testing process called ‘Functional Testing’. This type of testing deals with, as the name suggests, the functions and usability of the software through a classic input and output method.
There several tests that make up the whole process of functional testing, such as:
Unit Testing/ Component Testing
Unit testing involves testing each unit of software as a bundle. In component testing, the separate, individual components of a software are tested in a manual or automated way. This can save a lot of time and money, if conducted properly, at the early stages itself.
Smoke Testing
The stability of the product is checked in this process. It determines whether to go ahead with further testing of the product and helps save time with the same. It is also known as Build Verification Testing or Confidence Testing.
Integration Testing
Here, a collection of software modules are tested together, through black box technique, to verify the functionality, hence, it is named integration testing.
Regression Testing
This testing is done on previously existing software who have undergone modification in terms of code in order to check and finalise whether the changes made are working fine.
Sanity Testing
A subset of regression testing, Sanity testing deals within similar parameters and takes place after a smoke test has been conducted.
System Testing
As the name suggests, this process takes place after integration testing is done and the integrated bundle of software is placed into a larger system, which is then tested again for its functionality.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
UAT is different and unique in its own way as the testing is done by the end users of the product-The client. The main focus is to determine the end-to-end business flow.