The speed, scale and stability of an application is tested under Performance Testing. This type of testing helps in determining the quality of the software application, especially under a given workload.
The execution of a performance test usually occurs after a functionality testing phase has been executed.
A performance test too has its own number of reasons and specific instances for being executed, such as:
Searching and location barriers in computing
Determining smooth functioning of application
Measuring stability under high traffic conditions
Drawing a comparison between two or more systems and reaching a conclusion
Verifying the performance levels promised by the vendor
Benefits of conducting a performance test:
Detection and removal of serious functional flaws that can damage system as well as your reputation
Helps in avoiding late deployment of software that arise due to performance issues
Functional flaws with respect to data volume and synchronisation, which are not identified in functional testing are eliminated in this phase
Helps in gauging actual performance of individual pages, URL and actions that are performed in an application
The first step is to define your goals, analyse your system capacity, and gather data on system usage.
Add test data and user behaviour to transform scripts into Virtual Users.
Developing test scenarios as per the goals that have been defined earlier.
This step involves testing up to 100% load and then continuing to test on system overload to check possible risks of overload.
Bottlenecks must be highlighted and preparation of implementing changes must begin.
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