Achieving high productivity levels at the lowest possible cost is the dream of any organisation, however, allocating, budgeting and controlling costs derived from cloud providers, can be one of the most challenging aspects of running a business as it can be very time consuming. A unified platform where the key activities related to costing can be carried out in a single platform can prove to be a major game changer for organisations who operate at a large scale.
With Azure’s cost optimization tool, you can delegate essential tasks such as looking after investments, freeing up resources, keeping a track of budget usage, predicting future expenses and best use of available resources in the most cost-efficient way possible.
Cost optimization through cloud takes place through 5 ways:
Cost Control
Billing Management
User Visibility
Resource Utilisation
The effective use of IT resources will be aligned in such a way that there will be additional resources freed up in order to make way for innovation and creativity as well as additional investments in cloud.
You will be presented with the most essential areas that are involved in ensuring a smooth flow of costing related activities, such as budgeting, tracking, forecasting and invoicing in a user friendly manner which will help in better understanding and decision making.
This gives you a detailed overview into who and which departments are utilising the resources, factors such projects, region and applications will be featured in the tool for your purview.
Not only does the tool help you in resource and expenditure analysis, it even forecasts which department, project or application may require expenditure and give you a way forward for the near future in terms of cloud spend.
This looks into the maintenance of available resources and allocating them into appropriate departments. Ensuring the proper use of resources is vital in order to get the maximum return on investment. The Cost Optimization tool from Azure provided by IGT is a complete one-stop solution from a cost savings perspective as it is one of the leading factors that determines whether an organisation is profitable or not. Opt for this tool in order to obtain unique insight into saving costs and planning well for the future.